Exclusive Interview with VinFast CEO - Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy: The Future of VinFast
Hello Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy, CEO of VinFast. Congratulations on the successful listing of VinFast on the NASDAQ exchange. We are delighted for you and thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview.
Readmore: The stock price of VinFast (VFS) is expected to continue increasing in the future.
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy:
Thank you. I'm pleased to be a part of this interview.
Could you share with us about your new responsibilities and role after VinFast's listing on the NASDAQ? Have there been any changes in the company's operational strategy?
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy:
Certainly, the successful listing on the NASDAQ is a significant milestone in VinFast's development. My responsibilities remain the same, but with this listing, we will have more interactions and exchanges with the investment community and market analysts. The US market is vast with numerous players in the electric vehicle sector, especially giants like Tesla. I believe that with our uniqueness and potential, VinFast can confidently compete and raise capital effectively.
Regarding VinFast's competitive edge, what makes VinFast stand out in the electric vehicle field, especially in the context of fierce competition with Teslaand other competitors?
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy:
VinFast's distinction lies in our focus not only on a single type of electric vehicle, but on a diverse range of products from compact vehicles like VF3 to larger ones like VF9. This creates a substantial advantage as we can cater to multiple market segments and even meet the standards for registration in both the US and Europe.
So, according to you, what is the unique differentiator that sets VinFast apart from its competitors?
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy:
VinFast's uniqueness doesn't just stem from our diverse product range, but also from our deployment capabilities and potential. We have plans, and our manufacturing plant in North Carolina has already broken ground. We are targeting the production of our first vehicles in the third quarter of 2025. This underscores our commitment to developing and supplying high-quality products to the market.
After entering the US market, how has VinFast been received by customers? What aspects have received praise, and what areas do you believe can be improved?
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy:
We have received positive feedback from the North American market, including Canada. Despite the products not being perfect from the outset, customers have trusted and supported us. We are committed to continuously improving product quality to offer better experiences to our customers.
We greatly appreciate your time and insights. Congratulations once again to VinFast, and thank you for participating in this interview.
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy:
Thank you, and I wish everyone a wonderful day.